Home > Conferences and events > 21 December 2023 – Conference for EHESP-International’s first year of existence

21 December 2023 – Conference for EHESP-International’s first year of existence

Conferences and events
21 December 2023 – Conference for EHESP-International’s first year of existence

On December 21, 2023, from 12:30 to 4:30 pm, at the EHESP premises in Rennes, EHESP-International is organising a conference for its first anniversary around international public health issues.


  • 12:30 pm – 2 pm Buffet reception (in the EHESP lobby)
  • 14h-14h05 Introduction Pr I. RICHARD, Director of EHESP and President of EHESP-International
  • 14h05-14h15 International perspectives Pr L. DJOGBENOU, Director of IRSP in Benin
  • 14h15-14h45 Presentation of EHESP-International and first projects M. KERNEC, Director of EHESP-International
  • 14h45-15h30 Round table “International challenges around health products”- Dr A. de la VOLPILIERE DGA ANSM, Dr P. LEGONIDEC ex Responsable Omedit Ile de France, Dr JP. NABOULET Lecturer EHESP
  • 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm Round table “From research to impact in environmental health” – Pr JF GUEGAN Research Director INRAE, A. ROUE LE GALL Teacher EHESP, F. BODEAU LIVINEC Teacher EHESP
  • 16h15-16h30 The changing role of hospitals in response to new public health challenges – Dr A. LE GAGNE, Enseignante EHESP
  • 16:30 Conclusion Pr I. RICHARD
  • Refreshments (in the EHESP lobby)