Home > Need Assessment > 1-8th June 2024 – Visit to Cambodia to assess hospital management training needs

1-8th June 2024 – Visit to Cambodia to assess hospital management training needs

Need Assessment
1-8th June 2024 – Visit to Cambodia to assess hospital management training needs

Marie Kernec, Director of EHESP-International and hospital management expert, and Gérard de Daran, former EHESP lecturer and Interim Head of the Hospital Director training programme, carried out a needs assessment visit in hospital management in Cambodia from June 1st to 8th 2024.

This exploratory week was organised around meetings with the Ministry of Health, visits to various hospitals in Phnom Penh, Kompong Cham, Siem Reap and Battambang, meetings with public health training institutions and international partners involved in the health sector.

The visit provided an opportunity to identify Cambodia’s specific challenges in terms of hospital management and to review the training programmes already in place. This visit will enable the experts to develop proposals to strengthen hospital management training in the longer term.