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Training to support the development of the HDF Hospital Network (Lebanon)

Project launches and milestones
Training to support the development of the HDF Hospital Network (Lebanon)

Launch of the training course on July 3rd 2024

As part of the transformation of the Hôtel Dieu de France Hospital (Beirut) into a network, this training project, co-financed by the French Embassy and in partnership with the APHM, aims to develop the skills needed by the management teams of the various hospitals to operate within a network such as the Groupement Hospitalier de Territoire (GHT).

Specific objectives include understanding the principles and challenges of the GHT, building a strategic project around the network’s medical project, and acquiring skills in budgetary and financial management, information system management, and the pooling of support functions within the network.

The training is structured around training webinars and support on specific topics.

The training programme was launched on July 3rd with Webinar 1: Understanding the fundamentals of GHT; building a strategic network project around a collaborative medical and care project, presented by Dr. Anne Le Gagne, Professor and Head of the Medical Management Department at EHESP, and Michel Louazel, Professor and Director of Studies at EHESP.
It will be followed on July 10th by Webinar 2: Feedback from the APHM. The importance of building a GHT project around the medical and care project, Loriane Ayoub Director of the Provence Hospitals GHT and cooperation at the APHM.

Webinar 3: Information Systems and Technologies in a GHT Saber Aloui Director of Digital Services CHU d’Angers will be held on July 17th.