Home > MOOC training on hospital management in emerging and developing countries, in partnership with AFD – 2024-25

MOOC training on hospital management in emerging and developing countries, in partnership with AFD – 2024-25

Management of healthcare systems and services
MOOC training on hospital management in emerging and developing countries, in partnership with AFD – 2024-25

Multi-Country, 2024-2025

A team of experts coordinated by EHESP-I has been commissioned by AFD to develop a MOOC training course on hospital management.

It aims to:

•provide learners with insight on the specificities of the hospital sector and its main challenges and tools;

•capitalise on and share relevant hospital case studies (from the French hospital model in particular);

•put them into perspective to enhance knowledge of the challenges facing the hospital sector in developing countries, particularly in the French-speaking world;

•demonstrate the relevance of taking gender and climate issues into account.

The course will include a dozen asynchronous online modules on various aspects of hospital management, plus a number of synchronous webinars.

The first intake of students is due to start in September 2025-26.